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12 junio 2012

La radioterapia estereotáxica extracraneal (sbrt) es una técnica de irradiación muy prometedora que obtiene tasas elevadas de control local con mínima toxicidad Grupo Hospital de Madrid

La radioterapia estereotáxica extracraneal (SBRT) es una técnica de irradiación muy prometedora, ya que en la mayoría de los estudios obtiene tasas de control local de más del 80 por ciento de las lesiones tratadas, y con mínima toxicidad, que ya está establecida como tratamiento de elección en pacientes no operables, con cáncer de pulmón en estadios precoces y que, aunque aún son necesarios más estudios, surge como alternativa interesante a otros tratamientos locales, de la que se pueden beneficiar pacientes con cáncer de próstata, tumores hepáticos, metástasis hepáticas, óseas, pulmonares, etc.

12 junio 2012

Strokes among young people often overlooked, international study finds

Neuro NEWS

Strokes are not just a medical condition of the advanced age – younger people can also be affected. But in this group, many strokes remain “silent” or symptoms are being misinterpreted. These findings from a large-scale European study were presented at the Meeting of the European Neurological Society in Prague.

12 junio 2012

Short Sleep May Signal Stroke Risk

MEDPAGE TODAY. Ed Susman, Contributing Writer

People who habitually sleep less than 6 hours appear to be at risk of developing symptoms that may predict future stroke, researchers reported here at the annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. Study participants with normal body mass indices (BMIs) who slept less than 6 hours a night had a 4.5-fold increased risk of having a stroke-like symptom compared with similar individuals who got 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night (P=0.002), Megan Ruiter, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said in an oral presentation.

08 junio 2012

Un estudio relaciona la prediabetes con un mayor riesgo de ACV

MedlinePlus. Mary Elizabeth Dallas . HealthDay News

Las personas con niveles de glucemia más altos de lo normal (o prediabetes) podrían estar en mayor riesgo de sufrir de un accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) más adelante, según una revisión reciente. Investigadores de la Universidad de California advirtieron que esto podría representar un problema de salud a gran escala, ya que la prediabetes afecta a más de 79 millones de personas tan solo en Estados Unidos.

06 junio 2012

Risk Score May Be Better ED Stroke Screen

MEDPAGE TODAY. Chris Kaiser, Cardiology Editor

Using a modified ABCD risk score may be a better approach than the decades-old emergency department strategy of using subjective measures to assess dizzy patients for stroke, researchers suggested. The modified ABCD score -- which includes Age, Blood pressure, Clinical features, Diabetes, and Duration of symptoms -- was significantly higher for those presenting with dizziness who had cerebrovascular events than for those who did not have such events, reported Anthony S. Kim, MD, from the University of California in San Francisco, and colleagues.

06 junio 2012

Para muchos, los riesgos de la aspirina diaria de dosis baja parecen superar a las beneficios, según un estudio. Hay más casos de sangrado gastrointestinal y cerebral de lo esperado, excepto entre los diabéticos

MedlinePlus. HealthDay News

A menos que esté en riesgo alto de enfermedad cardiovascular, probablemente no deba tomar una aspirina de dosis baja todos los días, sugiere un estudio reciente. Investigadores informan que el uso de aspirina diaria a dosis baja podría aumentar significativamente la probabilidad de un sangrado gastrointestinal o cerebral mayor. Cualquier beneficio de la aspirina de dosis baja en la prevención de la enfermedad cardiaca podría ser anulado por ese riesgo, señalaron los autores del estudio

05 junio 2012

IsoRay Announces World s First Cesium-131 Mesh Treatment for Meningioma Brain Tumors

Healthcare Sales & Marketing Network

IsoRay Inc. (ISR), a medical technology company and innovator in seed brachytherapy and medical radioisotope applications, today announced another milestone in the treatment of brain tumors using its groundbreaking Cesium-131 (Cs-131) seed sutured mesh for internal radiation therapy. Dr. Kris Alan Smith, surgeon and Medical Director, Gamma Knife Center, supported by Dr. David G. Brachman, Medical Director of Radiation Oncology at St. Joseph s Hospital & Medical Center, Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, performed the world s first Cesium-131 brachytherapy seed sutured mesh implant on a female patient suffering from a recurring meningioma tumor.

01 junio 2012

Afib Poses Bigger Stroke Risk for Women

MEDPAGE TODAY. Chris Kaiser, Cardiology Editor

Older women with atrial fibrillation are at increased risk for stroke compared with men who have the condition, according to a large Swedish cohort study. A database of more than 100,000 people diagnosed with atrial fibrillation revealed more ischemic strokes per year in women than men (6.2% versus 4.2%, P<0.0001), Leif Friberg, MD, from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, and colleagues found.

01 junio 2012

Echo Clarifies Long-Term Risk After Stroke

MEDPAGE TODAY. Chris Kaiser, Cardiology Editor

A simple risk prediction model that uses clinical and echocardiographic characteristics may help identify ischemic stroke patients at a higher risk of future adverse outcomes, researchers found. Age, chronic renal failure, and the amount of calcification around the aortic root were predictive of death at about 4 years after nonhemorrhagic stroke, Avinash Murthy, MD, from the Albany Medical Center in Albany, N.Y., and colleagues reported.

01 junio 2012

Lan cirugía preventiva contra el ACV se utiliza en exceso en adultos mayores enfermos

MedlinePlus. Kerry Grens. Reuters Health

Una de cada cinco personas a las que se les realiza una cirugía para eliminar una obstrucción arterial y prevenir un accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) es demasiado grande y está muy enferma como para obtener algún beneficio. "Esto no me sorprende demasiado porque percibía que no estábamos seleccionando adecuadamente a los pacientes", dijo la doctora Jessica Wallaert, autora principal del estudio e investigadora del Centro Médico Dartmouth-Hitchcock, en Nueva Hampshire.

01 junio 2012

Taking the stroke unit to the patient reduces time from alarm to therapy decision

Neuro NEWS

A randomised controlled trial published in The Lancet Neurology in May has shown that for patients with suspected stroke, treatment in a mobile stroke unit substantially reduced median time from call for help to therapy decision. However, there was no substantial difference in the number of patients who received intravenous thrombolysis, or in neurological outcome.

31 mayo 2012

Make the Most of 2013 Stroke Metrics Requirements

Cardiology News. NASEEM S. MILLER, Cardiology News Digital Network

Stroke is one of the new measures that hospitals must report on starting Jan. 1, 2013, to receive full Medicare reimbursement for stroke care delivered in 2015. The requirement is part of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program, which was established in 2003, with the goal of improving inpatient care.

25 mayo 2012

Trevo Retriever performs better than Merci Retriever, TREVO 2 study shows

Neuro NEWS

Results from the TREVO 2 clinical trial were presented by Raul Nogueira, Atlanta, USA, at the European Stroke Conference (Lisbon, Portugal, 22–25 May 2012). The study met the primary effectiveness endpoint, with the Trevo Retriever (Striker) achieving significantly better post-device revascularisation than the Merci Retriever (Striker) (86.4% in the Trevo Retriever arm compared to 60% in the Merci Retriever arm).

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