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28 marzo 2013

High-intensity focused ultrasound may be an alternative renal denervation approach

Interventional News

An animal study, published ahead of print in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, indicates that renal denervation delivered through high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) extracorpeal renal denervation may be an alternative approach to managing resistant hypertension as it is associated with blood pressure reduction without significant morbidity or mortality.

25 marzo 2013

Asocian uso de estatinas con menor riesgo de cáncer hepático en pacientes con hepatitis C

Reuters Health

Un estudio de Taiwán sugiere que quienes padecen hepatitis C crónica tendrían menos riesgo de desarrollar cáncer hepático si toman fármacos para reducir el colesterol. Esto no prueba que las estatinas previenen el cáncer y un científico ajeno al estudio dice que no hay motivo suficiente para recomendar el uso de esos fármacos para evitar el cáncer de hígado.

25 marzo 2013

Cuando se extirpa el útero conviene conservar los ovarios

Reuters Health

Aunque durante una histerectomía también se suelen extirpar los ovarios, un nuevo estudio sugiere que dejarlos intactos sería más beneficioso. Un equipo halló que la extirpación ovárica reducía el riesgo de cáncer de ovario, pero a la vez que potenciaba el riesgo de morir por otras causas más comunes.

27 marzo 2013

SEATTLE II trial completes enrolment in the USA

Vascular News

The SEATTLE II study, which will investigate the safety and efficacy of ultrasound accelerated thrombolysis with the EkoSonic Endovascular System (EKOS Corporation) for the treatment of massive and submassive pulmonary embolism, has completed enrolment. SEATTLE II is a 150-patient, single-arm prospective study measuring the rapid reduction in right heart strain in a patient population with both massive and submassive pulmonary embolism.

21 marzo 2013

Se implantan filtros para coágulos sanguíneos sin respaldo científico

Reuters Health

Un nuevo estudio revela que algunos hospitales implantan filtros en los vasos sanguíneos de más de un tercio de sus pacientes que desarrollan coágulos que podrían llegar a los pulmones, pese a que aún no existen pruebas científicas de que el dispositivo salve vidas.

12 marzo 2013

Cordis acquires Flexible Stenting Solutions

Interventional News

Cordis announced it has completed the acquisition of Flexible Stenting Solutions, a leading developer of innovative flexible peripheral arterial, venous and biliary stents on 12 March 2013.

12 marzo 2013

Philips introduces three new imaging systems for radiology departments at ECR 2013

Interventional News

On 8 March 2013, Philips introduced three new imaging systems to help radiology departments increase both the number of patients and range of clinical exams they can handle. Philips is continuing the Imaging 2.0 journey to deliver greater collaboration and integration, increased patient focus and improved economic value. The imaging systems were showcased at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2013 (7–11 March Vienna, Austria), all three systems combine the capabilities for high patient throughput with the functionality and advanced clinical imaging applications.

12 marzo 2013

Siemens introduces Luminos Fusion at ECR 2013

Interventional News

Luminos Fusion, according to the company is has two-in-one functionality, with flat panel detector technology allows more effective use of fluoroscopy equipment in routine medical care. The flat panel detector enables faster examinations and patient throughput compared to the mid-range image intensifiers that have been available up to now.

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