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03 junio 2013

GreenLight XPS laser therapy equally safe and effective as TURP

Interventional News

Data that was presented at the American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting (4–8 May, San Deigo, USA) demonstrated that treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia with GreenLight XPS laser therapy with MoXy fibre (American Medical Systems), instead of transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), resulted in significantly shorter hospitalisation, catheterisation, and recovery times for patients, while maintaining equivalent safety and efficacy.

03 junio 2013

NIH begins recruitment for long-term study of diabetes drug efficacy


The National Institutes of Health is looking for volunteers to take part in a study to compare the long-term benefits and risks of four widely used diabetes drugs in combination with metformin, the most common first-line medication for treating type 2 diabetes. Beginning recruitment in June, the project is called the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness (GRADE) Study.

01 junio 2013

Boston Scientific Announces Collaboration with Pelvic Floor Disorders Network to Study Treatment Strategies for Uterine Prolapse

Healthcare Sales & Marketing Network

Boston Scientific Corporation (BSX) continues to demonstrate its commitment to women s health by providing a research and education grant of more than $1 million to the Pelvic Floor Disorders Network (PFDN) for the SUPeR clinical trial. The SUPeR study will evaluate treatment outcomes of two different surgical options for women with uterine prolapse, a form of pelvic organ prolapse.

03 junio 2013

Varias dietas para adelgazar mejoran la función renal

Reuters Health

Las dietas reducidas en carbohidratos, grasas y el régimen alimentario mediterráneo serían igualmente beneficiosos para las personas con sobrepeso y enfermedad renal leve o moderada. Incluso la dieta con bajo contenido de carbohidratos, que es más rica en proteínas, "es aparentemente tan efectiva como las dietas mediterránea o reducidas en grasa para mejorar la función renal, lo que ocurriría con las tres dietas por la disminución de la presión y el aumento de la sensibilidad a la insulina que ocurre al adelgazar", explicó la doctora Iris Shai por e-mail.

29 mayo 2013

Teleflex Announces European Market Clearance for its Arrow(R) GPSCath(R) Balloon Dilatation Catheter

Healthcare Sales & Marketing Network

Teleflex Incorporated (TFX), a leading global provider of medical devices for critical care and surgery, has announced that its subsidiary Hotspur Technologies, Inc., which Teleflex acquired in June 2012, completed CE marking requirements to market the company’s Arrow® GPSCath® Balloon Dilatation Catheters to the European Union. These novel products enable multiple vascular procedures to be performed with one dual-function catheter, potentially reducing procedure time and expense for both patients and medical professionals.

31 mayo 2013

Biosensors Enters Into Licensing Agreement With Eurocor for Drug-Eluting Balloons

Endovascular Today

Biosensors International Group, Ltd. (Singapore) has entered into a licensing agreement with Eurocor GmbH, a group company of Opto Circuits (India) Ltd. (Karnakata, India), for their drug-eluting balloon (DEB) technology and related intellectual property rights in relation to the treatment of both coronary and peripheral artery disease. As a first step in this process, an original equipment manufacturer arrangement is being implemented, whereby Biosensors will market and sell, under its own brand, DEBs manufactured by Eurocor. Both agreements will involve three Biosensors-branded DEBs: BioStream, BioPath 014, and BioPath 035.

30 mayo 2013

Three- and six-month data for Surround Sound renal denervation system presented at EuroPCR

Cardiovascular News

Data from the WAVE I study, presented at a late-breaking trial session at EuroPCR (21-24 May, Paris, France), showed that patients treated with Kona Medical’s Surround Sound renal denervation system had no device-related serious adverse events, and experienced a 22mmHg drop in systolic blood pressure and a 9mmHg drop in diastolic blood pressure at three months (N=24) - See more at:

03 junio 2013

Algunos de los fármacos que más se recetan están asociados con la impotencia

Reuters Health

Una encuesta revela que los tranquilizantes conocidos como benzodiacepinas y otros antidepresivos más antiguos están relacionados con un mayor riesgo de padecer disfunción eréctil (DE). "Definitivamente, esto confirma que los tricíclicos (antidepresivos)" están asociados con la DE, dijo el doctor Richard Balon, profesor de psiquiatría de la Facultad de Medicina de Wayne State University.

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