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01 abril 2013

JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY. First-in-human study of the INCRAFT endograft in patients with infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms in the INNOVATION trial

Dierk Scheinert, MD, PhD , Carlo Pratesi, MD , Roberto Chiesa, MD , Gioachino Coppi, MD , Jan S. Brunkwall, MD, PhD , Gijs Klarenbeek, MD , Ana Cebrian, PhD , Giovanni Torsello, MD

Objective: This multicenter, prospective, nonrandomized trial was undertaken to evaluate the first-in-human experience with the INCRAFT endograft (Cordis Corporation, Bridgewater, NJ), an ultralow-profile trimodular bifurcate device for the repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms.

01 marzo 2013

JACC CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS. 2-Year Results of Paclitaxel-Eluting Balloons for Femoropopliteal Artery Disease. Evidence From a Multicenter Registry

Antonio Micari, MD, PhD; Angelo Cioppa, MD; Giuseppe Vadalà, MD; Fausto Castriota, MD; Armando Liso, MD; Alfredo Marchese, MD; Chiara Grattoni, MD; Paolo Pantaleo, MD; Alberto Cremonesi, MD; Paolo Rubino, MD; Giancarlo Biamino, MD, PhD

Objectives: This study aimed to appraise 2-year outcomes after percutaneous treatment of femoropopliteal artery disease with paclitaxel-eluting balloons.

01 marzo 2012

CIRCULATION. Amplatzer Device Deployment for Saccular Aortic Arch Aneurysm

Stephen Westaby, MS, PhD, FRCS, FACC, FESC, FECTS, FICA; Suvitesh Luthra, MCh(CTVS), FRCS(CTh); Suzie Anthony, MD; Oliver Ormerod, MD; Neil Wilson, MD

Amplatzer septal occluder devices (AGA Medical Corporation, Plymouth, MN) have been used in the treatment of saccular and aortic false aneurysms.1,2 We have reservations about the long-term reliability of this approach.

01 marzo 2013

JACC CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS. Percutaneous Revascularization for Peripheral Arterial Disease. Paclitaxel Saves the Day

Ehtisham Mahmud, MD

Patients presenting with femoropopliteal (FP) disease often require revascularization for lifestyle-limiting claudication medical therapy that failed, or for critical limb ischemia. Percutaneous revascularization for FP disease has been fraught with challenges since the initial description of percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty (PTA) of the FP artery. Due to high rates of arterial dissection and restenosis after PTA, randomized comparisons of self-expanding stents and PTA for FP disease have been performed and have demonstrated the superiority of stenting ((1),2). Nevertheless, restenosis rates with self-expanding nitinol stents are 19% to 37% at 1-year follow-up, and options for the treatment of FP restenosis are limited ((1),2). Additionally, because this vessel undergoes significant torsion, extension, and flexion during daily activity, FP stent fractures have been reported that are associated with restenosis (3) and potential distal embolization of stent fragments. Self-expanding stent grafts covered with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) (Viabahn, Gore Medical, Newark, Delaware) lead to comparable outcomes as surgical FP bypass using prosthetic conduits, (4) but can result in occlusion of collaterals and are not an appropriate initial treatment option for most patients with FP disease. Clinical outcomes from registries evaluating the use of extraction, rotational, and laser atherectomy for the treatment of FP disease have been encouraging but have not been compared in an adequately powered randomized clinical trial against PTA.

01 marzo 2012

JACC CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS. Clinical Evaluation of a Paclitaxel-Eluting Balloon for Treatment of Femoropopliteal Arterial Disease. 12-Month Results From a Multicenter Italian Registry

Antonio Micari, MD, PhD; Angelo Cioppa, MD; Giuseppe Vadalà, MD; Fausto Castriota, MD; Armando Liso, MD; Alfredo Marchese, MD; Chiara Grattoni, MD; Paolo Pantaleo, MD; Alberto Cremonesi, MD; Paolo Rubino, MD; Giancarlo Biamino, MD, PhD

Objectives: This study evaluated the use of a paclitaxel-eluting balloon (PEB) for treatment of femoropopliteal arterial disease.

01 marzo 2012

JACC CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS. Treatment Paradigms for the Superficial Femoral Artery. Are They A-Changin?

Dierk Scheinert, MD

The main limitation of endovascular treatment modalities in the femoropopliteal tract is the high rate of recurrent lesions necessitating repeat interventions. Although 1-year patency rates of plain balloon angioplasty might be as low as 30% to 40% (1), improved results have been reported with a primary stenting approach. Nevertheless, depending on the lesion length, in-stent-restenosis rates at 1 year are still in the range of 20% to 40% (2- 5). Particularly in longer lesions, the occurrence of stent fractures seems to contribute to the development of in-stent-restenosis and has the potential to further complicate subsequent endovascular procedures (6).

01 enero 2013

JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS. Treatment of Complex Atherosclerotic Popliteal Artery Disease With a New Self-Expanding Interwoven Nitinol Stent. 12-Month Results of the Leipzig SUPERA Popliteal Artery Stent Registry

Dierk Scheinert, MD; Martin Werner, MD; Susanne Scheinert, MD; Anett Paetzold; Ursula Banning-Eichenseer, MD; Michael Piorkowski, MD; Matthias Ulrich, MD; Yvonne Bausback, MD; Sven Bräunlich, MD; Andrej Schmidt, MD

Objectives: We examined the efficacy and durability of a new interwoven self-expanding nitinol stent system in the treatment of complex popliteal artery lesions in unselected patients.

01 febrero 2012

EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL. Progression of human carotid and femoral atherosclerosis: a prospective follow-up study by magnetic resonance vessel wall imaging

Nicola Bianda, Marcello Di Valentino, Daniel Périat, Jeanne Marie Segatto, Michel Oberson, Marco Moccett, Isabella Sudano, Paolo Santini, Costanzo Limoni, Alberto Froio, Matthias Stuber, Roberto Corti, Augusto Gallino and Rolf Wyttenbach

Aims The time course of atherosclerosis burden in distinct vascular territories remains poorly understood. We longitudinally evaluated the natural history of atherosclerotic progression in two different arterial territories using high spatial resolution magnetic resonance imaging (HR-MRI), a powerful, safe, and non-invasive tool.

01 enero 2012

CIRCULATION. Supervised Exercise Versus Primary Stenting for Claudication Resulting From Aortoiliac Peripheral Artery Disease

Timothy P. Murphy, MD; Donald E. Cutlip, MD; Judith G. Regensteiner, PhD; Emile R. Mohler, MD; David J. Cohen, MD; Matthew R. Reynolds, MD, MSc; Joseph M. Massaro, PhD; Beth A. Lewis, PhD; Joselyn Cerezo, MD; Niki C. Oldenburg, Dr. PH.; Claudia C. Thum, MA; Suzanne Goldberg, MSN; Michael R. Jaff, DO; Michael W. Steffes, MD; Anthony J. Comerota, MD; Jonathan Ehrman, PhD; Diane Treat-Jacobson, RN, PhD; M. Eileen Walsh, RN, PhD; Tracie Collins, MD; Dalynn T. Badenhop, PhD; Ulf Bronas, PhD; Alan T. Hirsch, MD for the CLEVER Study Investigators

Background—Claudication is a common and disabling symptom of peripheral artery disease that can be treated with medication, supervised exercise (SE), or stent revascularization (ST).

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